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5 Best Restaurants in Mali Maldives

Written By mohammed on السبت، 10 يناير 2015 | 11:54 ص

                 5 Best Restaurants in Mali Maldives

5 Best Restaurants in Mali part Maldives
Maldives months islands made famous recently in the field of tourism because of its great tourist attraction factors they contain the best landscapes that you can see the world's most famous existing services by restaurants, cafes and we will give you a list of the top five restaurants in the Maldives
Royal Garden Cafe Restaurant
After a long tour of walking in this wonderful and quiet place may need to snack in a quiet place that helps you feel relaxed and will not find better than the Royal Garden Cafe, where he was best known for providing the finest in the world authorities


Sea House Restaurant
One of the best restaurants, which serves local seafood as he enjoys a privileged overlooking the sea and the airport it gives you a great look while dining


Restaurant beach
It is a distinctive types of restaurants that depend on the presence of your table on the beach in front of the water directly to the romantic lovers where distinctive service in these places Each table has its own waiter

Dawn Cafe Restaurant Tea House
One of restaurants that are run on the Islamic way, where are the men separated from the women and you can much of the distinctive meals such as chicken curry and oolong tea provided by the restaurant to enjoy

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