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Visa to enter Brazil | Brazil visa

Written By mohammed on السبت، 10 يناير 2015 | 1:18 م

               Visa to enter Brazil | Brazil visa                  

Visa to enter Brazil | Brazil visa

Any foreigner who wishes to enter the State of Brazil must hold a visa only if countries can enter without a visa or spend a period of time of time without providing visa.

Ensure that the State of Brazil for some countries to enter the territory without a visa for a period of ninety days and the only Arab country that has this advantage is Morocco.

And each person must be the holder of a valid passport for use for a period of at least six months and attach a photocopy of it and two in the same passport photo specifications white background for each image of them and book airline and hotel from the State of Brazil Hotels and letter from the employer and tax card and the commercial register if the traveler is working in one of the liberal professions and note stating the purpose of the trip and the reason for the visit and the state can provide documents and documents in English or Portuguese language and translation of documents in the office of the certified translation offices.

And so must the citizens of other Arab countries to do the extraction of visas by conventional methods and by going to any diplomatic body tracking state Brazil, such as the embassy or consulate is located in the country of a person who wishes to visit the state or in an area close to them and provide the documents and the documents mentioned above 

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