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Visa to enter the United States | US visa

Written By mohammed on السبت، 10 يناير 2015 | 1:22 م

               Visa to enter the United States | US visa

Visa to enter the United States | Visa USA

A must for any foreigner who wishes to enter the United States to carry a visa only if countries can enter without a visa and not from within these countries any Arab state.
And each person must be the holder of a valid passport for use for a period of at least six months after the end of the visit and photograph specifications are identified on the website of the Embassy and must be pregnant to prove his return original or leaving the country for his part, after the end of the duration of the visit, such as a ticket or book a plane.
And the United States to ensure that some countries a program called the Visa Waiver Program and requesting the citizens of those countries can apply access the website of the Embassy and not from within these countries any Arab state name.
The United States each year asking random migration program and makes a person is able to access and residence in the United States and enjoy all the rights of citizenship except for voting on the presidential election.
And so must the citizens of Arab countries to do the extraction of visas by conventional methods and by going to any diplomatic body follow the United States such as the embassy or consulate is located in the country of a person who wishes to visit the state or in an area close to them and submit the required documents for the visa and determined these requests by seeing the diplomatic corps.

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